Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Covert communication in TCP/IP network 

      Tandon, Dheeraj (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2004)
      This thesis explores the area of Covert Communication in TCP/IP network (Internet). We investigate various protocols of TCP/IP suite, which have potential to be used for covert communication on the network. In this thesis ...
    • Efficient, revocable and auditable access over encrypted cloud data 

      Kumar, Naveen (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2017)
      Cloud data outsourcing services can potentially help reduce the IT budget of organizations. However, they pose significant risks to the security and privacy of the data as the data is outsourced to untrusted third-party ...
    • Implementation of RSA-Decryption module ob FPGA 

      Ranpura, Jainikkumar (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2017)
      "This work proposes a performance improved Montgomery Multiplication (MM) architecture and an area improved Montgomery Multiplication architecture which can be used in Montgomery exponential operation. In this architectures, ...
    • Privacy Preserving Evaluation of a Web-Based Questionnaire 

      Lata, Shubham (2021)
      This thesis focuses on methods of evaluation of web-based multiple choice type questionnaire, such as online examination and online surveys, in a privacy preserving process. Two styles of questionnaire are discussed, their ...
    • SmartPT: PayTree with Smart Contracts 

      Paliwal, Aashish (2021)
      There are several challenges in designing micropayment schemes for use in realworld applications such schemes need to be reliable, safe and efficient. A summary of various techniques by multiple researchers try to overcome ...