Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • Apparel attributes classification using deep learning 

      Desai, Harsh Sanjaykumar (2020)
      Apparel attributes classification finds a practical applications in E-Commerce. The project is for website which is an E-commerce Platform in Indonesia and a partner of Coviam Technologies. This report ...
    • Augmenting dialogue generation using dialogue act embeddings: a transfer learning approach 

      Bisht, Abhimanyu Singh (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2020)
      The following work looks at contemporary end-to-end dialogue systems with the aim of improving dialogue generation in an open-domain setting. It provides an overview of popular literature in the domain of dialogue generation, ...
    • Clickbait detection using deep learning Techniques 

      Parikh, Apurva Ketanbhai (2020)
      With the growing shift towards news consumption primarily through social media sites like Twitter, Facebook etc., most of the news agencies are prompting their stories on social media platform. These news agencies are ...
    • Commonsense validation and explanation 

      Makwana, Vivek H. (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2020)
      Common-sense reasoning[1] is a field of artificial intelligence and machine learning that focuses on helping computers understand and interact with people more naturally by finding ways to collect these assumptions and ...
    • Disease specific biomedical literature mining : A visual interface 

      Sen, Neelasha (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2017)
      "The vast amount of online resources available in the biomdedical domain makes it challenging for the user to fulfill an information need. Most of the existing approaches for biomedical text mining try to alleviate the ...
    • Formal semantic analysis and modeling of natural language Wh-question 

      Patel, Rupali (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2013)
      The problem of Natural Language Query Formalization is to understand the semantics of a user given query in natural language (NL) and then translating the query into a formal language (FL) such that the FL semantic ...
    • Learning to rank: using Bayesian networks 

      Gupta, Parth (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2011)
      Ranking is one of the key components of an Information Retrieval system. Recently supervised learning is involved for learning the ranking function and is called 'Learning to Rank' collectively. In this study we present ...
    • Part of speech tagging for Gujarati text 

      Dave, Mainak (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2011)
      Part-of-speech (POS) tagging is a process of assigning the lexicon category to each lexicons in a given natural language sentence, that best suits the definition of the lexicon as well as the context of the sentence in ...
    • Shallow parsing of Gujarati text 

      Dave, Vidhi (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2011)
      Shallow parsing is the process of assigning tag to minimal, non recursive phrase of the sentence. It is useful for many applications like question answering system, information retrieval where there is no need of full ...
    • SMS query processing for information retrieval 

      Shinghal, Khushboo (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2012)
      SMS text messaging is one of the fast and popular communication mode on mobile phones these days. This study presents a query processing system for information retrieval system when queries are Short-message-Service ...
    • Use of probabilistic context free grammar for natural language interface for an application 

      Agarwal, Chetan (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2008)
      This thesis report deals with the development of a natural language interface for a database application (library system). This application uses Probabilistic Context Free Grammar as a computation model. The material ...
    • User Stories to Concept Map: An approach to Visualise Dependencies 

      Shah, Dishant (2021)
      "Writing the user stories which captures the user’s perspective in the agile framework is the starting step of gathering requirements. As user stories are written informally with fewer restrictions but may get affected ...