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dc.contributor.advisorMazumdar, Madhumita
dc.contributor.advisorPandya, Vishvajit
dc.contributor.authorTamllselvan, Koushlkram
dc.identifier.citationTamllselvan, Koushlkram (2023). PURAMPOKKU : The changing interface and role of land and water has put the poor of the city in the path of the Flood and Drought. Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology. 39 p. (Acc. # T01157).
dc.description.abstractCartographic storytelling is a relatively new format in which data and information are presented in a way that leads the audience from one piece of information to the next as they travel through a story. In this format, The information itself acts as a character within the story, guiding the audience through a journey of discovery and enlightenment. This project seeks to investigate and understand the fundamental nature of information analysis and data crunching from the perspective of communication design, exploring how information can be transformed from mere visual representation to actionable information that prompts specific actions. The inspiration for this project came from the devastating floods that hit the Indian city of Chennai in 2015. In the aftermath of the disaster, historical and contemporary maps of the city were circulated in major periodicals and on social media, highlighting the fact that several areas of the city had been built over marshes, lakes, or storage tanks that were at risk of flooding. While these maps provided useful information, they merely reported on the event and did not tell a larger story. A map, when arranged in a sequence, can combine a series of events to tell a story. In this project, the collected data on urban disasters and their contributors over the years would paint a unique picture of Chennai's disasters over time. The aim was to paint a macro picture of the given scenario and to understand the impact of people on disasters and disasters on people, communicating it through cartographic storytelling that would reveal the hidden causes behind Chennai's droughts and floods. The literature study deduced that unplanned urbanization and improper planning of urban development over the years, encroachment of wetlands, river basins, and water catchment areas, and insufficient stormwater drainage network were major reasons for the occurrence of floods and droughts in the city. However, apart from other factors that contribute to the problem, looking at it as merely an urban planning issue and a building-over-water-bodies problem would only give a bird's eye view of the problem, This project aims at looking at the disaster in social and cultural contexts . This cartographic story tried to tell that Chennai's disasters are far more complicated phenomena, and their social and contextual significance could only be understood when they are studied concerning people living in the city. Purampokku Land When we Bring all this data together it reveals to us that the land ownership plays a crucial role in chennai's disaster. We often point out that its the encroachments that affects the water bodies and it leads to flood and drought. but through mapping of peoples movements over time we have understood that these encroachments by slum dwellers are because of their inability to have ownership over land and the only piece of land that they found in the city was purampokku land that was next to flood basin. So the encroachers are poor of the city and are put in the path of flood To begin the process of cartographic storytelling, a thorough analysis of the data was carried out to understand the patterns and trends over time. The data included information on rainfall, water levels, population growth, and other relevant factors. The data was then visualized in a way that would help to tell the story of Chennai's disasters. The first step was to create a map of the city that highlighted the areas most prone to flooding and drought. This map was designed to show the impact of these disasters on the city and its people. The map was then broken down into smaller sections, each with its own set of data and analysis. The second step was to create a timeline that showed the occurrence of floods and droughts over time.This timeline was used to highlight the patterns and trends that emerged fromthe data. Itwas also used to illustrate the impact ofpopulationgrowth and urbanization on the frequency and severity of these disasters.The third step was to create a series of maps that showed the changes in the city's landscape and land patterns over time. These maps were used to illustrate the impact of urbanization and encroachment on wetlands, river basins, and water catchment areas.They were also used to show how the city's infrastructure had developed over time, particularly its stormwater drainage network, they also inform us about the unique land policy system existing in the Dravidian cultureThe final step was to bring all of this information together in a single cartographic story that would lead the audience from one piece of information to the next.The story was designed to be both informative and engaging, using a combination of visual and textual elements to convey the key messages.The cartographic story highlighted the fact that Chennai's disasters are not simply the result of natural events,but rather a complex interplay of human actions and natural processes. The story revealed that the city's population had grownexponentially over the years, putting pressure on the natural resources and infrastructure of the city. Unplanned urbanization and the encroachment of wetlands, river basins, and water catchment areas had disrupted the natural water cycle, resulting in floods and droughts.The story also highlighted the fact that the city's stormwaterdrainage network was inadequate and poorly maintained, exacerbating the impact of floods.The cartographic story showed how these factors had contributed to a series of disasters in the city, including the devastating floods of 2015.However, the story also revealed that there were solutions to these problems.The story suggested that a comprehensive approach to urban planning and development was needed, one that took into account the needs of both people and the environment. development of robust and efficient infrastructure to cope with the impacts of natural disasters.Overall, the cartographic story ofChennai's disasters showed the power of storytelling as a tool for understanding complex issues and communicating important messages.It demonstrated that cartographic storytelling can be used not only to inform but also to inspire action and change.By presenting data and information in a way that engages and captivates the audience, cartographic storytelling can help to drive meaningful change and create a better future for all.
dc.publisherDhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology
dc.classification.ddc363.73 TAM
dc.titlePURAMPOKKU : The changing interface and role of land and water has put the poor of the city in the path of the Flood and Drought
dc.typeProject Report
dc.degreeM. Des

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