Now showing items 791-810 of 923

    • Single Image Dehazing for Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Haze using Deep Neural Network 

      Gajjar, Manan (2021)
      Image dehazing is an "ill-posed problem" that has been extensively studied in recent years. Available methods use various constraints/priors, deep learning, or a combination of both to get plausible dehazing solutions. ...
    • Single precision floating point matrix multiplier using low power arithmetic circuits 

      Gargave, Soumya (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2015)
      The main objective of this thesis work is to implement a Single Precision Floating Point Matrix Multiplier with the help of basic low power arithmetic circuits. Such circuit can be used in various digital signal processing, ...
    • SLAM (Self localization and mapping) 

      Lodha, Aditya V. (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2013)
      A fundamental competence of any mobile robot system is the ability to remain localized while operating in an environment. For unknown/partially known environments there is a need to combine localization with automatic ...
    • Smart soldier asystem incorporating embedded electronics 

      Teja, N. K. (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2019)
      Now a days, the defence technology is heading towards new innovation along with advanced implementation. Monitoring the soldier's activity and health at the frontline area of operation forms an essential entity in determining ...
    • Smart wearable device using embedded systems 

      Lodha, Nikita (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2018)
      The development of wearable devices has evolved as a research topic over the last few years. The proposed work is aimed at improving farmer's livelihood. This then, discusses about the developed system to monitor cow's ...
    • Smartphones as Computing Platforms: An all-in-one Mobile Application 

      Trivedi, Jaineel Udayan (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2023)
      Advancements in technology have led to more intelligent computing systems, butserver-based computing presents itself with network delay and high energy consumptionleading to significant carbon footprints. A lag in computing ...
    • SmartPT: PayTree with Smart Contracts 

      Paliwal, Aashish (2021)
      There are several challenges in designing micropayment schemes for use in realworld applications such schemes need to be reliable, safe and efficient. A summary of various techniques by multiple researchers try to overcome ...
    • SMS query processing for information retrieval 

      Shinghal, Khushboo (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2012)
      SMS text messaging is one of the fast and popular communication mode on mobile phones these days. This study presents a query processing system for information retrieval system when queries are Short-message-Service ...
    • Song Content Labeling using an Incremental Learning Approach 

      Pol, Anand (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2022)
      Multimedia Data Content Labeling has been a research area for a relatively long period. Researchers have spent a substantial amount of time focusing on classifying video sequences, music genres, and artists� classification. ...
    • Sophia - ELK Tool 

      Patel, Pankti (2020)
      Octro Inc is one of the fastest-growing mobile gaming companies around. It aims to develop productive applications for mobile devices. The company is engaged in creating mobile gaming platforms. Some of their recent gaming ...
    • Space-time coding techniques for multiple antenna communications 

      Shenoy, Shakti Prasad (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2004)
      Mobile communications has seen an explosive growth in the past decade. The reason for this growth can be traced to the increasing demand by the consumers for communication systems capable of exchanging information “anytime, ...
    • SPARQL query optimization 

      Singh, Rohit Kumar (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2011)
      Query Optimization is the process of selecting the most efficient query evaluation plan among the many strategies possible for processing a given query, especially if the query is complex. The users are not expected to ...
    • SPARQLGen: generation of SPARQL from pseudo BGP 

      Mandloi, Dipendra Singh (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2012)
      SPARQL is the querying language and communication protocol for communicating with RDF data sources. SPARQL query requires knowledge of URIs of bound values in the triple patterns and ontological schema used by dataset. ...
    • Sparse representation and fisher discriminant criterion based dimensionality reduction for face recognition 

      Chavda, Parita (2020)
      Dimensionality Reduction(DR) is a very popular topic in the field of pattern recognition. Generally, Practical applications like face recognition, object classification, and text categorization include high dimensional ...
    • Speaker recognition over VoIP network 

      Goswami, Parth A. (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2011)
      This thesis deals with the Automatic Speaker Recognition (ASR) system over narrowband Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) networks. There are several artifacts of VoIP network such as speech codec, packet loss and packet ...
    • Spectral estimation using WRLS algorithm for multiband detection 

      Bhatia, Atul (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2008)
      Signal parameter estimation in the presence of noise has been a key area of research. Many applications have benefited from advancements made in this field within the last two decades. The method proposed in the thesis ...
    • Spectro-temporal features based automatic speech recognition 

      Nagpal, Ankit (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2015)
      ASR technology has found its application in almost every field in life. Today‟s world cannot be considered as noise-free and deploying ASR technology in such environments would incorporate the challenge to deal with various ...
    • Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks 

      Ahir, Sagar J. (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2014)
      In this thesis, we consider the problem of secondary users’ selection for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. We assume that the secondary users involved in sensing transmit their spectral energy ...
    • Spectrum sensing in cognitive radio using quickest change detection framework 

      Bharmal, Sara (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2015)
      Spectrum sensing is a term associated with detection of primary (licensed) users (PU) by secondary (unlicensed) users (SU) to pursue opportunistic transmission of their data. The problem of spectrum sensing is challenging ...
    • Speech driven facial animation system 

      Singh, Archana (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2006)
      This thesis is concerned with the problem of synthesizing animating face driven by new audio sequence, which is not present in the previously recorded database. The main focus of the thesis is on exploring the efficient ...