Set labeling of graphs
Given a universal set and its subsets, intersection graph can be characterized as
the graph with one distinct subset of given universal set for each vertex of the
graph and any two non-adjacent vertices have no element common in their respective
set. This was first studied by Erdos. For Kneser graph and Petersen
graph, adjacency is characterized by disjointness. This motivates us to look at
disjointness instead of intersection. This report contains results about asymptotic
bounds for valid labeling of some special classes of graphs such as harary graphs,
split graphs, bipartite graphs, disjoint complete graphs and complete multipartite
graphs. Parameters relevant to study of labeling of vertices of the graphs are minimum
label size possible (ILN), minimum universe size possible (USN) and their
uniform versions such as UILN and UUSN. We have also proposed one framework
to label disconnected graphs.
- M Tech Dissertations [923]