Now showing items 21-26 of 26

    • Security and Privacy concerns in Voice Assistants Devices 

      Trivedi, Revant (2021)
      Voice assistant devices are the new generation devices which provides voice interfaces to interact. They are backed with powerful technologies and service providers. These devices perform various tasks by just providing ...
    • Security of remote car locking system against eavesdropping 

      Patel, Jinita (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2018)
      Vehicle industry is growing rapidly. To sustain in the market manufacturer uses various technology in vehicles. In today's world users need more comfort in addition to efficiency of vehicles. With the advancement in the ...
    • Tampered Image Detection using SVM Classifier 

      Patel, Dhwani (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2017)
      "Steganography is the process of hiding confidential information in image such that contents of original image remain unaltered. Hence steganalysis algorithms used to detect such data embedding needs to be designed. In ...
    • Two phase automated tellar machine transaction for visually impaired 

      Panchal, Krunal (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2016)
      Voice guided Automated Teller Machine(ATM) are the type of ATM which letsvisually impaired people access the ATM services. Blind users insert wired Headsetsinto audio output jack on the ATM machine and ATM starts Interactive ...
    • Verifiable conjunctive keyword search using authenticated crawlers 

      Sharma, Ritu (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2016)
      Authenticity of search results corresponding to the user�s query is an importantrequirement in public cloud as massive data are being generated from differentsources frequently. There is a constant rise in the trust issues ...
    • Wireless LAN 802.11 security using elliptic curve cryptography 

      Singh, Saurabh (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2011)
      IEEE 802.11 is a standard defines the specification of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), came into existence in 1997. As communication medium is wireless, security is a major concern to protect the data from adversary. ...