Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Analytical study of color spaces for object recognition in convolutional neural networks 

      Oza, Urvi (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2019)
      In this work we present an analytical study of the classical problem of image recognition / classification using different color spaces and deep convolutional neural networks(CNNs). In the current decade deep CNN architectures ...
    • Anomaly detection in videos 

      Dhondkar, Suyash (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2022)
      With the development of modern digital cameras and CCTVs, our cities and their important public places can now be monitored 24x7 around the clock. Traditional video analytics methods necessitate ongoing surveillance ...
    • Monkey detection using deep learning 

      Shingala, Mitalee (Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, 2019)
    • On the efficacy of deep image denoising for computer vision applications 

      Shah, Manan Dharmendra (2021)
      Image denoising is a process of inverse reconstruction where the original image is reconstructed from its noisy observations. Several deep learning models have been developed for image denoising. Usually the performance ...