Tactile learning kit: know your continents
The project attempts to create an experience of learning facts with fun. My initial visits and explorations led me towards working upon and designing solutions to teach facts about Geography; a part of their Social Science subject.
The information creating models I thought would be delivered in the form of a tactile learning kit that covered not only textual facts, but also the physiographic features of continents, important places, body structure of animals and birds. The prototype of the tactile learning kit includes two continent of the world-Antarctica and Australia taken from the Class six curriculum. There could be cross sections of an area of the continents. The layers would represent the Earth’s stratification of that area, and some ideas I had.
Based on that field testing with blind students, the project brief has undergone several changes from its initial draft so as to overcome constraints in material and implementation. What followers below is a detailed description of how these factors influenced and modified the project brief over time.
- M Des Project Reports [107]